Saturday, August 30, 2008

A Camera: In a BOWLING SHOE?!?

OK, the weirdest thing happened to me last week. (2nd weirdest after the mental neighbor event though).
I went to meet my friend at this bowling place in Staten Island, and when we got therewe had to go and rent some bowling shoe. That was the day I got my 2nd camera (my first fell into a pond). I was putting on my shoe, when I felt something hard in the toe section. I pulled it out and to my shock, it was an Olympus camera! Boy, I was really happy. My friend was all for keeping it, but I decided to just report it to the staff, but not to give it to them (just in case nobody retrieves it). I gave them my phone number so if someone finds it they can call. We waited a week, and there were NO calls. I guess it's my camera now!

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